Friday, December 11, 2009

My Last blog post EVER!

Can we just give a hip hip hooray please! This is my last blog post for this class. Lets be honest, I know we all loved the blogs, but really, really. No I'm kidding, I liked the idea of the blog. It made me get out of my everyday life and thing about something different or at least get to write down my feels about something happening that day or week. It was a good move by the one and only Shayne Clarke. What a great man!

Right now I am grateful for pandora. Just like everything though, it has its pluses and minuses. What else is greater than a free, can I say that again, free website that lets you listen to music. Not only does it let you listen to music, but it explores new bands that it thinks you might be interested in. I like it personally because a lot of the time I get sick of my same old music in itunes. Basically I just think I'm sucker for music. I love it. It really just makes a person feel so good.

Right now I'm leaving campus to go find a christmas present for my roommate Rebbie. As roommates we all drew names to get presents for each other. She is a really trendy/stylish (advertising major says it all) type of person. So I think I'm going to head over to the Flower Basket on University. It is a great little boutique, the stuff is pretty expensive, but I think I can find something little and cute there that wont cost too much. Yay for presents and friends.

Christmas Traditions

Christmas is such a fun time of year. I love when my siblings come into town and we get to spend time together. Christmas is the only time of year that all but one of my siblings comes to Utah. P.s. I just found out yesterday that my sister Katie and her two kids are going to be here long enough to celebrate my birthday on January 7th. :) I am so excited! I have a big family which consists of seven girls and one boy which includes myself. This is why christmas is so much fun at our house. There are 16 grandkids who all come and love to play together. I might add that the house gets a little wild when so many kids are running around like wild animals, but its still fun. Some of the fun things we do all together are decorate gingerbread houses, go sledding/tubbing behind the four wheeler, All open pajamas on christmas eve, sing carols, and interact the nativity scene (which is hilarious might I had). Usually all the kids are apart of it and some of my brother-in-laws. My niece whitney goes crazy around the house finding everything she can to dress all the kids up to play their part. They do a pretty good job acting out parts. On christmas eve we have a tradition of making lots of appetizers and treats. Last year we made food from about 5 different ethnicities. It was so delicious. Lets just say I love food and even more I love food of different cultures. So delicious. Each year we also attend the Joseph Smith Movie at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and go to the lights after. This usually gets a little out of hand because there are so many kids now ( and lets just be honest, it is so cold. Who really wants to spend all that time outside? I think its the worst idea.) But you have to see the lights, it just apart of living in Utah. We all go and we love it. Yay for christmas. I can't wait


I am aloud to say that physics might be one of my least favorite classes I have ever been enrolled in at Brigham Young University. I think I am aloud to say that. Everyone has their own opinions all the time right. Well I am proud to say that at this point, I only have one more assignment left to do. That means I have turned in 22 so far this semester. I wonder if I could count how many hours a week I physically spent in the physics tutorial lab doing homework problems. I would guess on average lets see, 3 assignments due each week, 4-5 hours each assignment would equate to 15 hrs. It doesn't sound like very much, but when you are in there for 5 hours a time, it sure does feel like a lot of time. Those TA's probably think I am the most wild student. I never knew how to do anything ( i didn't really read the book) that could explain a lot. When I took chemistry I could read and understand the book and that is how I did everything. I didn't just give up on reading the physics book, I did. I gave it a try at the beginning of them semester and NOTHING made sense and what do you know, it still doesn't.
Let me just talk about Dr. Colton for a minute. He is probably one of the most entertaining science related professors I have ever taken a class from. As bad as I hated physics, I always wanted to go to class. This guy is the biggest nerd ever. HA I love it so much. The greatest thing about it is that he totally knows it. I love people like that. They just accept the fact that they are geniuses and lets be honest, I wish I were a nerdy genius. He laughs at everything he says, and I'm sure he practices demo's outside of class just on his own, you know just for fun or what not. My friend chris took physics 105 from Dr. Colton also and told me once that Dr. Colton told there class that on the weekends he blows stuff up with his friends. You know what I'm talking about, you have all done it. Take a little CO2 and have a little fun. :) So great. I will not miss this class! Ask me how much I am looking forward to taking Chemistry next semester........ Lets just say, not so much!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why does it feel like Antarctica?

I'm not sure why, but every year it takes me till at least March to get used to the freezing cold weather. can I just say it out loud. I HATE WINTER. So the main question I keep asking myself is "why do I go to school in Utah?" I will never live here when I grow up, no joke. Like the East Coasters always say, "the cold goes strait to your bones!" I have a pair of pants that really helps me feel what this feels like. They are pretty cheap pants, but I never really knew why. Well I can tell you that this winter I found out why they are so bad. The first really bad experience was last weekend at the lights at Temple Square. I couldn't figure out why, but my legs were absolutely freezing. It felt like I was wearing shorts. So I just thought it was because my pants were really tight. But obviously not. Because everyday I wear them, I freeze once again. I even tested it out by wearing some different pants and when I did, my legs weren't cold. I guess thats what I get for buying cheap pants. Next time I'll consider paying more money. Anyways, back to the freezing winter. The other day my friend and I got some DDP. Kylie left her drink in my drink holder with some ice in it. So yesterday I go out to my car to find that the cup is frozen in its place. Seriously people, if things like this happen, it is just way to cold. I told my roommate today that I would never got to BYU Idaho because it is even so much colder in Idaho than Utah. Although I do have one exception, I love to snowboard. I'm not sure if this really makes any sense. Maybe its because you dress really warm and are active will you snowboard so you seem to stay warm for a longer period of time. Plus you get to drink hot chocolate and have fun with friends. Maybe I can live somewhere where it is warm, but I can drive to go skiing?? California anyone, Sounds like a nice place for grad school to me!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


It was turkey day last week. Do we love turkey day YES. Even if the food isn't that great, its fun to (1) not have school and (2) hang out with family. So I began my thanksgiving break by finishing my physics test and driving strait home to meet my sisters April and Jenny, my niece and nephew and mom and dad to see New Moon. (can I just say yikes real quick) what an experience. Well you probably already know what I'm thinking about this movie. Yes, Jacob had a nice body, but is it really realistic, really. Sure it is real, but that movie is promoting nothing good for the female society. It is like porn for guys. It is a unrealistic love story that girls drool over. It's never going to happen girls, face the fact and stop screaming in the movie theatre. Okay Im done. It was fun to see it with my family anyways. The next day before we headed to midway for early thanksgiving with the cousins, my sister Jenny and I decided to make a quick stop at the Tanger Outlets in Park City. I was just doing a little christmas shopping, you know the usual. That was great and I sure found so great treasures at J-crew and Banana. We then headed up the the cousins, waited two hours to eat after we were already an hour late (typical). It's always gourmet food so I like it. I left a little early to head to Salt Lake to see Kevin. Im not sure what we did that night. Thursday my siblings that live in Utah came over for Thanksgiving dinner. (half of them live elsewhere) My sister Jenny and her family did drive in from Oklahoma though. That was great because everyone else is just the usual. They are always there. I only get to see my siblings outside of Utah once or twice a year. At christmas and Education week. Both highlights of my year. I love them all so much. Anyways, the rest of the Thanksgiving break was great. I hung out with Kevin on Friday and Saturday. Friday we went shopping and to Trio for dinner. Saturday he came up to my house and hung out. Sunday we ate pie and played games. The End. Back to school

A date in SLC

I sure bet this blog is getting boring. All I keep talking about is what I do with my life on the weekends. Probably because during the week all I do is school school school. SHOOT ME. But hey its almost over so I think I can handle that. I can handle it for two more weeks. So the weekend Kevin's friends had planned a date that we joined in on. All his friends were leaving from Provo because they all go to BYU so I figured I could just catch a ride up to Salt Lake CIty with them. Well you guessed it, I was the fifth wheel on the car ride up. Can I just tell you that i love cougars hahaha. Let me explain this to you, my friends and I always make fun of the ultimate kids that go to BYU that do the typical things "mormons" would do on dates. It is hilarious. You know the kids I'm talking about, the ones that wear cougar gear to school everyday and go bowling on cougar campus and sleep in the halls and on chairs. Love them. Well you guessed it, on the way to Salt Lake we had a bubble gum blowing contest. I almost died when they pulled out the pack of double bubble. Anyways we made it to our destination and Kevin was waiting so I was glad. We went ice skating at the Galavin Center in Salt Lake. After Kevin trying to teach me 500 tricks (he played hockey in high school) we finally left. We traveled to Matthew Skanky's House for some desert. Banana Splits thanks. So good. Oh and did I mention I absolutely love where Kevin and all of his friends grew up. They live up by the University of Utah in all those old neighbor hoods with huge tree's and cute street lamps. I want to live somewhere like that one day. I love old stuff. Especially antiques. Anyways the night ended and I'm sure the other girls though I was wild because I was really hyper, rode home with them. Slept the whole. Can I just say it was way nicer than having to drive. Ill take that any day of the week.


Last week I attended the Regina Spektor concert which was absolutely amazing. Last night we attended the Imogen Heap concert. Once again AMAZING! I'm not sure why but I love going to concerts. They just make me feel like life has a purpose or something. Who knows why because music has nothing to do with how you succeed or how well you do in school or life. I guess its just a good place to go to forget about life. Imogen was so good. She sounded great plus through a great show. She entertained us so so well. Basically that is all she did in fact. Before every song she ha something to start it off with. Banging on some instrument or rubbing her fingers on top of wine glasses. So great. For a specific song she had had auditions the night before for someone to play the cello. So she starts introducing this girl and when she walks out on stage Kylie and I were like "what the" that girl was totally in our ward last year.... and Kylie visit taught her HAHAH it was amazing. I won't lie, we felt pretty cool. By the end of the concert we were a little worn out of concerts to be honest. We were ready to go home. We headed over to Maverik and grabbed a hot chocolate. Absolutely delicious.

I almost forgot the second best part of the night. We parked at gateway so on our walk over we decided to stop at Anthropology. Only one of the greatest stores ever. I always joke when I go inside and say, "one day, one day." The reason I attend college is to someday have a good job so that i WILL shop at this store! I love Salt Lake City. Well for Utah is is pretty alright. I would much rather live in a different city, but for Utah it will just have to do. I want to move there when I graduate and work for one year before grad school. Okay I really hope this is long enough already! Adios